Become A Matchdog
Foster Information
Want to volunteer by having a lovely foster pup in your home? Find out how here!
Our Foster families are foundational to our success. They offer rescued dogs love and comfort while waiting for adoption. We rescue many of our dogs from high kill shelters that often have very short time spans – sometimes as little as a few days – before unadopted dogs are slated for euthanasia. Our goal is to rescue these dogs from that fate. If we do not have an available foster we cannot bring them. The more foster homes we have, the more dogs we can save.
Meet Some of Our Fosters!
You can always come talk to our fosters in person at our Saturday Events about their experiences!
Foster Spotlight: Meet Sharmilla
How It Works
Each foster family provides a temporary home for a rescued dog until a permanent “furever” home can be found. Part of the goal is to give time for a dog to adjust or re-adjust to living in a home, and to learn socialization and good manners. For some dogs, the foster home also provides time to recover from an illness or medical procedure before he or she can be made available for adoption. For others it may be nothing more than an overnight stay or up to a week!
Foster Family Responsibilities
As a foster parent, you’ll be responsible for the basic daily care for your friend in your home. In other words, your job is to shower him with the love and attention he needs to prepare him for adoption into a permanent home. Specifically:
If you can, bring your foster dog to adoption events and introduce him/her to people who are interested in adopting. If you are unable to do this, we can often arrange for another volunteer to hold your dog at the event for you.
Provide a safe, quiet environment that is free of stress.
Matchdog can provide food/bedding/crates if necessary, but if not you are free to use your own.
Administer any medications as directed by MatchDog Rescue and transport your dog to any veterinarian appointments when necessary. We know you are busy, so if you find yourself unable to take your foster to the vets we will do so on your behalf. Any and all medical treatment must be pre-approved. We pick up all the costs on any pre-approved visits and treatment so don't worry about it!
Provide daily mental and physical exercise suitable to the needs of your foster dog.
Provide potential adopters with accurate information about your dog.
Check in with the MatchDog Rescue team on a weekly basis regarding the state of your current dog. You will have a contact on the team so that you can do so.
Provide pictures, video’s and stories about your dog with the goal of increasing adoption potential. Pictures really are the key! When a pooch has a great pic, the rest is a breeze and that dog is likely to be adopted out in a couple of days. Always try and get that pic outside, perhaps on a chair or a bench. It really makes all the difference if folks can see the dog really clearly. If you can just provide us with some info about your pup we can give a much more personal bio which again really help the match!
Communicate with the MatchDog Rescue team any worrisome behavior or medical problems immediately. Nothing is ever a bother or too small! Please don't feel that your question is silly, I guarantee you we want to hear it!
Obtain prior approval for any purchase made for your dog if you are requesting reimbursement from us.
MatchDog values service. We offer 10 hours a day for each day you have a pup in your home! So if you or a student in your home is trying to gain service hours, this is a wonderful way for you to do so!
Matchdog Rescue Responsibilities
Pay for medical care. All medical care will be covered by MatchDog Rescue if provided by an approved MatchDog Rescue hospital/clinic and prior approval is received.
Support our foster families in every way possible!
How long will a foster dog stay in my care?
Time in a foster home can range from an overnight stay to a few weeks. We’ll be able to give you a better estimate for your dog before you take him/her home. You can also share with us what availability you can commit to.
If, at any time, you feel that you cannot properly care for your MatchDog Rescue dog, please provide us as much notice as you can. Hopefully it’s a minimum of 48 hours so that we can then find another suitable foster for your dog.
The foster parent agrees that the dog remains under the jurisdiction of MatchDog Rescue and cannot be abandoned, sold or given to a shelter, retail establishment or research institution. The dog must be placed under the adoption guidelines of MatchDog Rescue and possession of the dog cannot be transferred to another individual without permission from the MatchDog Rescue foster or adoptions team.
The foster parent understands that MatchDog Rescue has the right to remove the foster dog from the foster home at any time.
General Things to Know